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Monday, November 17, 2008

Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation

DRPT, here's an idea: these improvements that you want cost $7 million, right? How about you fork over the $7 million to pay for it! Plain and simple.

h/t Henry Ryto.


fpteditors said...

Congestion in Virginia costs licensed drivers $1.7 billion annually in delays and wasted fuel.
Free Public Transit

Michael Ragsdale said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm very pro transit (just read my books which are linked from this blog, the main characters use the bus to get around, just as I do in real life).

The problem we're trying to fix out here is that in Virginia, "tax" is considered a cuss word (unless proceeded by "lower" or "reduce" or similar). It is my feeling that the department that wants these changes should be the ones to pay for it.