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Sunday, June 3, 2007

London Blvd & Naval Hospital service

Hi Mike,

Saturday morning I was driving route 44 on a detour; because of maintenance in the Midtown Tunnel we used the Downtown Tunnel.

When I left High & Florida, drove up London Boulevard and turned right on Effingham Street I wondered why we had no service to either of the plazas on London Blvd or the Naval Hospital.

The detour was a sensible alternative, but I don't think we need another bus route using the Downtown Tunnel. Maybe we could modify the route 47 to go out on High Street and return using London Blvd.

Just something to think about.

1 comment:

Michael Ragsdale said...

Bring back #46 River Park

As for London Blvd, it's only a couple of blocks from #47 High St.

Yeah, we do need service to the Naval Hospital (via Effingham?)

Maybe there could also be an Airline bus that services County & Court to Victory Crossing via the old Mid City Shopping Center.

Speaking of County & Court, why not move it to High & Water since buses and the Ferry are both scheduled to be there on the hour and 1/2 past.

Finally, fix up the #41 Cradock schedule