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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yesterday's Bus Ride notes

Tidbits from yesterday's bus ride
  • The 44C VICTORY CROSSING via WALMART has almost quite literally 3 stops: High & FL, Wal-Mart (former Mid-City Shopping Center), and Victory Crossing. Why are there no other bus stops (Airline Blvd maybe?). Is there a reason this bus doesn't go to Norfolk General?
  • This is MAX driver #2 to not honor my 30-Day at $1.50 (first afternoon 967, leaving Chesapeake Square at 3:20 PM)
  • How about corrected 47 schedules? While we're at it, correct Route 47 destination signs
  • Correct the system map: Route 33 is a "LOCAL" not "TOUR"
  • What's the plans for the #7 (NOB tour), #34 (Oceana Tour), and #924 (Historic Villages Tour)? FTA says they fall under the new Charter regulations. Does this include the Amphitheater Shuttle?
  • Route 12: please enter Indian River Park & Ride when the 967 is running (or relocate the #12 bus stop to be closer to Reon + City of VB add a crosswalk at Reon)
  • I said it once, I'm saying it again: MAX 30-Day E&D cards are NEEDED (Henry can vouch for several Veterans passing through Wards Corner when service was first launched)

TDCHR Meeting, July 25th

Here's the news

  • This is from Michael Townes himself (not a direct quote, but you get the idea): "By law, I only have to offer discounts on the local buses". Henry, you say you have a plan?
  • Route 967 needs to be bidirectional. See Commission Packet near the end. What used to be a 60 minute commute from Hampton to Chesapeake Square is now a mismash of buses: 961-->45-->44 (that takes forever too in comparison to the old 61)

HRT Bus Terminals Projects:
  • Military Circle is Canceled due to lack of funding. Not sure who's in charge, but if that's the case, the sidewalk needs to be extended so that it can fit more than 2 buses
  • Victory Crossing/TCC-Portsmouth Relocation Terminal will proceed as planned

Sorry it's been a while

Sorry it's been a while. Been up to other things

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy 7/11: FREE SLURPEES!

Tomorrow is 7/11. That means FREE* Slurpees!!!

* 7.11 ounces FREE

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fare Restructure Idea

I know this is kind of late, but due to an incident on the Inbound 960 this morning at Silverleaf, this idea popped into my head:

HRT should adopt a Puget Pass like system where passes are sold in “denominations.” For example, I could purchase a pass worth $1.50 in transit fare (good on any service). In this example, I would be just fine on the local buses. For MAX service, simply show my E&D ID along with this $1.50 pass. In the case of HRT, passes available as follows (prices are how much bus fare they're worth):
  • $0.50 - Good for Shuttles; E&D Ferry
  • $0.75 - Good for E&D Local fare
  • $1.00 - VB Wave; Youth Fare; Ferry
  • $1.50 - E&D MAX, Regular Local
  • $3.00 - MAX
All passes could be upgraded with cash at the Farebox. Transfers could be issued encoded with how much fare is paid (for example, a Shuttle Transfer would prompt a Local Bus to ask for $1.00).

Further Reading:
  • Puget Pass FAQ (King County Metro)
  • Puget Pass Costs (King County Metro) - first column is how much bus fare it's worth and the rest of the columns are how much the pass costs
As of right now, MAX bus fareboxes do NOT recognize that I'm using a 30-Day Pass worth $1.50 and that I'm E&D.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 232nd Birthday, America

Today is America's 232nd birthday. I'm going to be working tonight 5:30 PM - Close. I don't expect a big crowd since everyone will be heading to the fireworks. I'm getting a Federally mandated $9.75 pay today (1.5x pay due to the Holiday) so no complaints here :)

I now have a real website*

I just got paid and I paid for a "real" website. Coming soon, RaggieSoft.con will be my home for almost everything. This blog will not move and will remain on Blogger (I'm too lazy to change it).

I'm using 3Essentials Hosting, the same service as BlogNetNews.

* I just paid for it, so it takes some time to get set up

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Route 36

Today the 36 that was due at TCC at 1:45 failed to show up. Eventually the 2:45 bus showed up and will have a double load

What happened to the 1:45 bus?