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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Broken front door meaning all passengers in and out the back. There's a triangle holding the door shut but it's flimsy and it fell off so the door somewhat flopped open.

Dead radio so no calling for help

Wonderful bus. At least 2502 got a replacement at Military Circle. It better be a bus (though it's coming from 18th Street so maybe...)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

To the Norfolk Airport Authority

The question is: why do we have to walk all the way from Military Hwy & Norview Ave to get to the airport? There is no excuse for no bus service to the airport. At least PHF has the 111 every hour.

I can easily envision a Sea-Tac type of connections. See:

Salter Street

Posted on Route 12 (funny that it's on the 12 since the 12 doesn't go anywhere near Cedar Grove - yes I know buses are assigned different routes each day) yesterday. As always, click the image for a larger version.

It reads:



Friday, April 25, 2008


Graffiti. It's everywhere. It's annoying. AND, here's a sample of what you can find (usually) in the back seat of HRT buses. One wonders what these thugs do to their own property. As always, click the picture for a larger version.

Cedar Grove

So, when will Cedar Grove get at least portajohns?

Hampton and Newport News Transit Center Bathrooms

Ever had to, you know, go while at HTC or NNTC? Ever notice that they apparently haven't cleaned that bathrooms in years? I also wonder why some of the men's room stalls do not have privacy doors.

HRT: I know you're on a starvation diet, but c'mon. This is inexcusable. These bathrooms need something, and need something NOW!

Bus Pictures

I was at the HRT Board Meeting yesterday and took these pictures of buses (as always, click any picture for a larger version)

Our old rustbucket 900s, but why are they at HTC? Also, note the Flixible Metro in the back of the line. These are HRT Cheesewagons
HRT Cheesewagon BTW: this is one of our old ratty Orion V 900s from my side
A Flixible Metro: very, very old. Makes the Northside's 500 series Gillig Phantoms look brand new
a 500 series Gillig Phantom. An Antique, but brand new when compared to the Flixible Metro pictured above. These Phantoms make our 900 series Orion V's look brand new. BTW: this is one of the Grey Area (legally) HRT Cheesewagons pressed into regular passenger service
Note the duct tape over the ACS Navigator passenger display
Hard to believe: a 2000 series Gillig Lowfloor on Route 33
Overall, what a day. Got to see some ancient machines in action

Hybrid at HQ

What's going on with this Hybrid @ HQ? (as always, click the image for a larger version)

A Message to Headquarters: We want the trolleys replaced now

My poll closed today and in a 12-zip vote, we would like to have the Hybrids released immediately to replace the trolleys on the main routes, which comprise routes 25, 26, 27, 29, and 33*

I invite commissioners and staff to come ride the mainline trolleys for an "unannounced tour" type of ride so that you get an idea of what it's really like. Most importantly would be a ride on Route 29, which is consistently late 6 days a week, even on Saturdays.

* Starting June 27th, 18th Street & Trolley Base will swap the 33 and 85

The MAX: We WON!!!!

The TDCHR (the board that governs HRT) met yesterday and first up was the MAX Public Hearing. The only two speakers were Henry Rtyo of Avenging Archangel as well as myself.

The Commission approved The MAX on condition that staff adjust it as suggested by Public Comments.

Tweaks that should be implemented:
  • Route 960 (Downtown Norfolk-Oceanfront) needs to stop, in addition to what's listed in the presentation, at Town Center (using the existing stops on Route 36) and the Pembroke East transfer point. In addition, it should then exit I-264 at Birdneck and head LOCAL via 19th Street to serve the convention center and finish the route at 19th & Pacific
  • Route 961: Downtown THEN Cedar Grove
  • Route 967: How will local connections work (12 in the VB end, 15 at Greenbrier, 44 at Chesapeake Square, and NNTC buses in Newport News)
  • Senior/Disabled Fare: I'd pay $1.50 for MAX service or $45 for a 30 Day that works on everything, including Circluators, Local, Ferry, VB Wave, The Tide, and MAX

Thursday, April 24, 2008

HRT's Hampton Cheesewagon Service

So, I found out Hampton's dirty little secret. The "Residential Service" is nothing more than a glorified Cheesewagon. Yeah, it's a grey area legally.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The MAX: Some Last Minute Thoughts

I will be bringing these up tomorrow at the hearing:
  1. How will 12 <--> 967 connections and 44 <--> 967 connections work? (yes, I expect it to be bidirectional)
  2. Route 960 NEEDS to serve Town Center (as per Va Beach's request). I say it should travel up to Pembroke East using the 36 route as well as heading to Silverleaf (this can be in either order)
  3. Why is 961 doing Wards Corner-Downtown-Cedar Grove in that order? It should be Wards Corner-Cedar Grove (the DTC, not the Route 17 stop)-Downtown (all Loop stops)
  4. Eliminating Suffolk service mid-day and weekends!? (yes, I know Suffolk Transit* runs Monday-Friday only)
  5. I will be using a completely eliminated leg to get to Hampton: Pembroke-Evelyn Butts-Wards Corner. Why is this part being eliminated?
  6. How will 30-Day users and E&D users work? Henry suggests a $45 pass that works on everything. I agree with that (yes, I do mean EVERYTHING including the Ferry & VB WAVE)
  7. I wish there was a 921 (essentially Route 121 with a Route 960 type schedule)
  8. Airport Authority: LET'S GET A BUS TO ORF, enough squabbling there is no excuse that Military & Norview = Airport Bus Stop (and no, Azalea Garden & Noreview Ave = Airport Stop doesn't count in my book either)

* The City of Suffolk subleases buses from HRT and uses City of Suffolk drivers

The MAX Public Hearing

Tomorrow at 1:30 PM will be a public hearing concerning the MAX express bus system Henry and I are planning on speaking.
  • Location: PENTRAN HQ, 3400 Victoria Blvd, Hampton (served by Route 103)
  • Time: 1:30 PM
  • Room: Second Floor Board Room
I will be on the 61 leaving Pembroke at 11 AM. For more information: MAX Presentation

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Thanks for adding me. A link back to you was already added as soon as I found your site. Agrigators

New Tide Logo

I noticed HRT changed The Tide logo around a bit. I think it looks nice. I look forward to January 2010 :)

Problems with Route 33

This morning, the 33 that was due at TCC at 6:45 AM never showed up. I arrived at 7:10 (when my mother dropped me off so I could catch the 25 leaving at 7:53) and there were 6 passengers (including one with a bike). Eventually, the 7:45 bus showed up to pick them up.

I gave Customer Service a 10-5 and they contacted 18th Street. According to 18th Street: No luck contacting the driver.

I can't wait until this route comes from Trolley Base starting June 27th. Then it won't be late. It's biggest problems is almost every hour in the morning, a new bus takes over every trip from TCC. Someone from HRT care to chime in why this there's a new bus most every hour at TCC?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Problems with Route 25

HQ: Why won't you let Trolley Base use the Hybrids on the mainline routes immediately? Because of this lousy decision, there were several people with bikes that were stranded in the rain on Princess Anne Road today.

Route 23 Haygood Rd

HRT, why was the 23 Haygood extension killed? This way Bayside High School and the proposed West Bayside Rec Center could be served. Yes, VB, it needs to run at night as well 7 days a week

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Now back to my Regularly Scheduled Program...

Now that everyone knows my real reason for this blog, which is that I want to work on transit policy without giving any thoughts to the political side of it, I feel good going back to my regularly scheduled program as they say on TV.

As much as I do not like the VBTA, I will not stoop to the lowness that either one of them or one of their supporters stooped to.

Route 317

This is an idea I've been having for a bit:

When the hybrids come out, renumber Route 17 (The NET) as Route 317 to keep with HRT's new "300 series" routes denoting local circulators (300: Portsmouth Loop; 310: Downtown Norfolk Shuttle) and extend it to the Cedar Grove transfer center as an "in addition" to Route 310. Route and times would be the same, just one extra stop.

As a TCC student who used to attend the Downtown campus, Route 17 is an invaluable asset. When I used to live off Hampton Blvd, I would take Route 2 to Olney & Granby and transfer to Route 17 at its Stop #4 and get off at Stop #7 all the time. This extension should run all day 7 days a week.

Speaking of The NET, Norfolk: why are there no signs at Stop #1 telling passengers that service is only 9 AM to 3 PM weekdays at that stop?

Friday, April 18, 2008


Apparently, someone who is from, or supports the ideas of, the Virginia Beach Taxpayers' Alliance is trolling both my blog and Avenging Archangel's blog. Sorry VBTA, but I actually enjoy riding the bus. Many sections of my book Rachel's Story were written while I was sitting on board a bus. I can't wait for The Tide to open so that I can breeze out of Downtown while people in their cars sit in the gridlock of City Hall Ave.

Too bad, but I'm not afraid of the VBTA. I will continue to push for expansion of mass transit that is reasonable (meaning no high priced SkyTrain - which is what Reid wants yet doesn't want to pay for since he won't stand for the tax increase required for such a system).

Please be sure to read Avenging Archangel's blog entry concerning this attack.

The Hybrids

So now the question is: Given the condition of the trolleys, should HQ allow Trolley Base use the hybrids immediately?

This is primarily for the mainline routes (25, 26, 27, 29, and 33*) since I feel that's where bike racks are needed. Besides, due to the nature of any hybrid vehicle, they don't make sense on stop-and-go traffic of Atlantic Ave.

* Effective June 27th, Trolley Base will take Route 33 and 18th Street will take Route 85.

The MAX Poll

Well, poll is closed. Except for one oddball vote, EVERYONE wants Route 960 to stop at Pembroke East, Town Center, and Silverleaf.

Transit Politics

Well, it looks like I'm starting to be known in the political arena? In a recent blog entry, I got a nasty gram from someone who...well, I'm not going to go there.

Obviously, I'm a big proponent of expanding mass transit including light rail for the whole region. I currently live where HRT service kills off around 7 PM (6:45 PM to be exact) and does not run on Sunday. I don't need much and I certainly don't need some elevated automated system to get me around (which is much more expensive than standard light rail). I've been on light rail before (Portland, Oregon's MAX and Tacoma, Washington's Tacoma Link) and it's been nothing but amazing. I start on a bus to get me to the station, then the train takes me into town. The best part is watching all the cars bumper to bumper while I breeze by on the light rail train. I can work on my book (see the Rachel's Story link) which is something that's impossible while driving.

I'm more interested in promoting transit then dabbling into politics for the most part, but sometimes, I have to say something.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

George's Corner

George was driving trolley 674 and there was an air leak in the front door. As he was on the radio with Trolley Base, it made me realize that, although he may be a jerk sometimes, he is a human being with real honest feelings. Therefore, I hereby retire George's Corner. George, I'm sorry I've been rude to you sometimes.

VB Base to the 29: Please Return for 2502

Debrah, when Daraline calls Frank, it's because her radio is dead. She asked for you to wait, so please wait! Darline arrived at 8:49 this morning, within the 2 minute hold limit. I don't blame Darline for being 10-13 at you for stupid crap like that. Since you used to drive 2581 and, on Wednesdays, drive 2541, you know how Princess Anne Rd can get.

Reid Greenmun: VB's biggest crybaby

Go figure, Reid Greenmun is always the anti-tax crybaby. Here, read the comments for yourself. The article is an Opinion entry from the Pilot basically speaking the truth: NSU, you're too late about crying over The Tide. I do ask, why would someone from Sandbridge even care about life in Norfolk?

I expect a nasty gram any time, so let me run for cover.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

City of Norfolk Apology

This morning, on the 36 leaving TCC at 10:45 AM, I noticed a small City of Norfolk apology explaining that:
  • Norfolk is paying for, and coordinating, construction inside of Cedar Grove to apparently accommodate a full blown transit center
  • Norfolk would like to add more bus stops downtown
  • Norfolk would like to run the 310 more often during peak hours
I only got a chance to glance at it, so I may not have covered everything, and I may have things misquoted. I am unable to find this notice on either the City of Norfolk website OR the HRT website.

Russell or Henry, if you come across this notice, please let me know so I can add/subtract/correct this post. It had a City of Norfolk logo instead of an HRT logo.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Route 23's Problems

Word from operators, as well as my observations in the morning at Military Circle, and from reading fellow blogger entries, that there's problems with Route 23. These days, Route 23 is routinely 10-30 by about 5-10 minutes or more due to the extra Cedar Grove leg.

Yes, something needs to be done and something needs to be done pronto. I started messing around with Google Maps and apparently it takes about 10 minutes to get from US-13 & Corporate Blvd to the Military Circle bus shelters. A driver posted to Avenging Archangel (I'm going to honor their request to keep their identity withheld, though yes I think I know who the driver is) suggesting elimination of the Best Square and Front Street legs. They also suggested Route 25 take over the Best Square leg.

I'm not sure the best solution, but I know something needs to be done.

Speaking of Cedar Grove: HRT, we'd (both passengers and operators & staff) would like to be able to take a 10-39 at Cedar Grove. Portos would be really handy. I'm not the only one suggesting this.


Trolley Base, this bus has plenty of problems: no radio, broken back door, working interlock (which, when you're running late, slows you down), sometimes stalls.

To whoever isn't allowing Trolley Base to use Hybrids: The trolleys are so bad, it's time to put Hybrids on the mainline trolley routes (25, 26, 27, 29, and 33*) which, due to the nature of the Hybrid drive system, makes much more sense than on say Route 30.

* Trolley Base takes over Route 33 from 18th Street effective June 27th in exchange, 18th Street gets Route 85.

Disney College Program

My decision is made: Disney is a no-go. I am staying home.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Introuducing Labels

I am starting to use Blogger's Labeling system to tag my blog entries for easier comparison. I have gone back and tagged some older entries (and I'll continue to do so from time to time) as well.

To Victoria Blvd (or Michael Townes?)

This message is to whoever isn't letting us ride Hybrids:

So I'm told that Virginia Beach Base requested usage of the Hybrids they're housing but you say no. The trolleys make your 500s look brand new. We would like to be able to use the Hybrids right now because there is no more excuse for using the trolleys any more. I understand you want to do have a roll out ceremony, so let's do that right now. Let's have that ceremony right now and let's get these Hybrids rolling on the main lines (yes, the main lines) right now.

It's Time to Turn the A/C On

I know A/C doesn't usually start until May, but considering how hot it is today, it's time NOW.

Trolley Base: Since they're ready, let's start using the Hybrids so the riding public on the year-round Trolley routes can check them out. We don't need bike racks on the 30, 31, or 32. Besides: the hybrid system won't be as effective on the stop-and-go of Atlantic Ave.

Route 300 - A Review

I got to ride Route 300, the new Portsmouth Loop, and what a joy it was. The bus is amazing (see my Hybrid Bus post for more about the buses) and the route is wonderful. Portsmouth, you got something nice going (too bad it doesn't run on Sundays).

My thoughts:
  • If it turns out that there isn't enough ridership to warrant the Loop every 15 minutes at the Naval Hospital, why not alternate between Naval Hospital and Crawford Pkwy.
  • It's a wonderful idea going between County & Court and the Ferry Landing. Too bad you have to do the whole Loop to get from the Ferry Landing to County & Court.
  • $0.50 fare? That's reasonable. The bus will take ALL fare media (10 Rides, 30 Day, Transfers, etc). Too bad it doesn't give transfers. The operator around lunch time on Bus 4000 had an idea: Why not encode the transfer so that it'll tell the other fareboxes the passenger owes $1.00? Then again, since HRT will be dumping transfers come September (maybe the 300 not giving transfers is a good thing)
Route 300 has its own distinctive bus stop sign (sorry about the "bent look", it's my camera)
City of Portsmouth logo on the bus
This is the Downtown Loop
I can proudly say, it's environmentally friendly. This distinctive hump is the hybrid system
Another Loop logo

Effingham Street going Inbound from the Naval Hospital. The driver left her "300 NAVAL HOSPITAL" sign on. Going inbound, it'll say "300 COUNTY ST".
The destination sign. Yep, I'm being reflected in the image
There is room for two wheelchairs
The bus interior, looking back. All seats wrap around the sides. The only forward facing seats are in the very back.
Last but not least: those darned Odyssey Fareboxes; the same kind that are nit-picky about $1.00 bills

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Disney College Transit

Have a look-see at the bus that serves the College Student apartments for the Disney College Program: Link 304. Assuming I take Disney's offer, I'd be staying near SR 535 & Medowcreek Dr. Twice a day (two round trips) 7 days a week.

Maybe I need to shut up about VB bus service. At least it runs all day

(to be fair, once you get into Orlando proper, buses run all day on average every 30 minutes similar to Norfolk routes 5 AM to Midnight or 1 AM 7 days a week)

2502 to Virginia Beach Base: 10-24

This morning, there was a 10-24 on Run 2502. The 10-2 was Princess Anne near Providence heading Outbound at around 10:35-10:40 AM. VB Base: Why didn't you send disinfectants and a mop & bucket? A replacement BUS (read: not a trolley) would've been nice. The hybrids, according to a trolley base operator, are ready to go (in that they have bike racks, fare boxes, and destination codes plugged in), so why not take one for a spin if there were no buses? This would be a great way for us passengers to gauge if we like them or not (though I've heard nothing but good things about them).

In case you're wondering: 10-24 means a passenger hurled on the bus (lost their lunch, er breakfast in this case)

Norfolk's Theme Song

Thanks Avenging Archangel for the greatest giggle in a while, Cedar Grove

Have a read?

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to me. 23 years old.

Disney College Program

It's possible that I might be leaving for Walt Disney World. I must decide by April 21st as they have a job offer for me @ $7.13 an hour. As I write this blog entry, I'm leaning on STAYING HOME but I will not make my final decision until the 21st. I have (attempted, but with no replies) to contact Tamara of HRT. I'm very torn if I want to go or not considering I was just recently appointed to the UCAC.

Assuming I do take the offer: I would be in Florida from May 19th to January 2nd.

Learn more about what Disney offered me?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jerry the Supervisor

I was at Cedar Grove today and got my first 310 ride. I spoke to Jerry (a Supervisor, not sure his last name) and suggested portos for everyone. HRT: hint...hint...(separate for HRT personnel and passengers). He didn't seem too thrilled when a bunch of passengers crowded around him wanting to know what time buses came.

Friday, April 4, 2008

The Pembroke Detour

At last, the Pembroke detour is done. The road is bumpy, but at least now you can get in and out. All routes are to take Constitution in and out.

The only question is how long before K-Mart starts screaming again?

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Norfolk Social Security Office

The sticking point for the new Social Security office was a traffic light. HRT would divert the 15 to the new office on Lake Herbert Dr if a traffic signal was built.

The good news: I was on the 15 this morning going from Wards Corner to Military Circle and such traffic light is being installed as I speak. HRT: As soon as the light is going, when will the 15 be rerouted?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Virginia Beach Night Owl

Starting today, buses in Virginia Beach will run at night until 10:45 or so. Also, Night Owl service will begin from Charlotte Street leaving Downtown at 1 AM and 2 AM.