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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Trolley Base

So the question is: when will Trolley Base routes "officially" honor my 30-Day Pass?

Here's how the Puget Pass works (this is the bus pass from Washington state):
  • In my case, I selected the pass worth $1.50 in bus fare
  • If I boarded a bus that cost $1.00, simply show the pass to the driver
  • If I boarded a bus that cost $1.50, simply show the pass to the driver
  • If I boarded a bus that cost $2.00, simply show the pass to the driver, insert $0.50 into the farebox, and ask for a transfer which will be punched to show that I paid the upgraded fare
When I show my pass to the driver, they hit a button on the farebox in acknowledgment (an example being when HRT drivers hit the "A" key when a passenger requests a Transfer)

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