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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I'd Ride the Tide

Here is a comment I left on a recent Virginian-Pilot article concerning The Tide:

I'd ride the Tide! Bear in mind: this *starter* line was designed to be extended. I look forward to being able to ride the Tide to Hampton, Newport News, NOB, ODU, ORF, PHF, VB, and connecting to the Richmond2Hampton Roads Commuter Rail. As a comparison, look to Portland's Metropolitan Area Express (MAX). The cries were "no one would ride it". Look at how popular the MAX is now. Also, Pierce County, Washington's Tacoma LINK. It exceeded it's 2010 rider expectations the year that it opened! I am a current HRT user and yes, the system needs work (and I don't hesitate to speak my mind to them). I'm not being paid to say anything, I'm just someone who's seen what riding buses can be like when it is does properly (see Sound Transit)


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