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Friday, October 31, 2008

Introducing Route 65: The Jordan Bridge Limited

Starting November 10th, HRT will provide Route 65 which will run most of the day Monday - Friday making stops at 20th & Seaboard, Elizabeth River Park (old site of Jordan Bridge Toll Plaza), Norfolk Naval Shipyard (Gates 10 & 15), and County & Court in Portsmouth.

See HRT Website for route & schedule: http://www.gohrt.com/routes/Route_65.pdf

This route does not run on Weekends or Holidays.


Anonymous said...

What about shifting ferry times? Why the ferry doesn't start earlier to allow shipyard workers the chance to use it to commute is a mystery. Seems like an obvious part of the solution.

Michael Ragsdale said...

This is the $500,000 that Chesapeake requested for express bus service.

Expanding the Ferry hours makes sense. Perhaps an Elizabeth River Park ferry landing for a S. Norfolk - Portsmouth (High St) route (transfer to the 41, 45, or 65 for service to NNSY)