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Saturday, December 1, 2007

Route 15

This message is to the Street Supervisor who gave Route 15 (the 2:15 PM bus at the Naval Exchange on December 1st) Greenbrier Mall permission to dead-head to Military Circle:

You do realize that on Saturdays that Route 15 runs every TWO HOURS. You left passengers at Wards Corner and Evelyn Butts & J as well as all intermediate stops having to wait for 90 MINUTES. You have NO AUTHORITY to have these people be that late to work. I understand that the previous driver reported a 10-34, but that is no excuse to dead-head when the bus is every 2 hours, but what really needed to be done was to 10-33 even though the bus was 10-30 by 30 minutes

While I'm thinking about it, the new MAX better have bike racks.

Yes, I am VERY 10-13 right now.

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