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Friday, January 25, 2008

A ride on the Granby

Today, I had an appointment at 10:30 AM at the Apple store in MacArthur. Wayne Green, Run 101, picked me up and we joked around as usual. Even better, Henry (Run 103 Ret.), visited and we joked around. The good news is going around: I am a possible appointment to the HRT Passenger Snitching Committee (as a Rt. 33 driver put it: You have a title, but you're going to be an Approved Snitch).

I had to tell my driver friends. Calvin Parker (Run 2301) shook his head thinking "I better retire".

So, 101 picks me up as he's being relieved by 136 (Ed Carroll) and I pass the good news along. Now for the fun part: Darlene (Run 2941) was rushing down Rosemont Rd passing Chimney Hill inbound towards TCC. I never knew trollies could go that fast.

George's Corner

As usual, George (2982) asked "Lineup at TCC, give this 29 as much time as possible." He showed up at 2:47 and there were transfers for the 12 and 36. Since George is never specific about what passengers want, the 12 took off at 2:48. I wasn't surprised. There were three passengers left behind because George was being George.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Metro Area Express (Ours, nor Portland's)

So I got a bit of unofficial briefing about the Metro Area Express, HRT's new express system. Some of the ideas are great. For example:
  • Route 924 (replaces Route 24) should have the following stops
    • Charlotte Street (Downtown Norfolk)
    • Balentine Tide/Freeway Station *
    • Town Center / Pembroke
    • The Former Pavilion
    • 19th & Pacific
  • Route 961 (Downtown Norfolk-Hampton-Newport News EXPRESS)
    • I would like to see the actual proposed schedule
* If you've ever been to King County, Washington, then you know what I'm talking about. Using the I-264/Balentine Blvd interchange as an example, a Freeway Station is a bus stop at the end of the ramp furthest from the interstate. This bus stop is usually located next to a park & ride lot. So in this example, the bus would exit I-264 and serve a stop next to the Balentine Tide Station which would also serve the park & ride lot. It makes more sense to see it, but my drawing skills are D-.

TDCHR Board Meeting

Don't I feel special. I was recognized today at the Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads (the governing body of Hampton Roads Transit) board meeting by none other then the HRT President, Michael Townes himself.

As always, my gripe is why, City of Virginia Beach, can't I get around evenings / Sundays? Here's an idea: HRT needs $5 million just to keep service unchanged. Does the city have $10 million by chance? Be nice, it sure would.

For example, since I live by TCC, the last buses would leave daily at 10:45 PM at either end. Meaning that buses would pull into TCC at 11:45 PM then dead-head to the garage.

The MAX is a great start. How about including the #121 as what HRT's calling a "Local Express" (which is the equivalent of how today's Rt. 61 operates).

HRT User Citizen Advisory Committee Appointment

It's official: The Transportation District Commission of Hampton Roads made a move to support my nomination to the User Citizen Advisory Committee as a representative for Virginia Beach.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Virginia Beach Citizen 2 for UCAC

I have a recommendation for the other "dead" seat, my friend Amy Ouellette. She lives along Route 25, specifically in the Beach. On weekends, she's trapped at home and is understanding the truth about city council (that is, if it's not the Ocean Front, it's not important).