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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yesterday's Bus Ride notes

Tidbits from yesterday's bus ride
  • The 44C VICTORY CROSSING via WALMART has almost quite literally 3 stops: High & FL, Wal-Mart (former Mid-City Shopping Center), and Victory Crossing. Why are there no other bus stops (Airline Blvd maybe?). Is there a reason this bus doesn't go to Norfolk General?
  • This is MAX driver #2 to not honor my 30-Day at $1.50 (first afternoon 967, leaving Chesapeake Square at 3:20 PM)
  • How about corrected 47 schedules? While we're at it, correct Route 47 destination signs
  • Correct the system map: Route 33 is a "LOCAL" not "TOUR"
  • What's the plans for the #7 (NOB tour), #34 (Oceana Tour), and #924 (Historic Villages Tour)? FTA says they fall under the new Charter regulations. Does this include the Amphitheater Shuttle?
  • Route 12: please enter Indian River Park & Ride when the 967 is running (or relocate the #12 bus stop to be closer to Reon + City of VB add a crosswalk at Reon)
  • I said it once, I'm saying it again: MAX 30-Day E&D cards are NEEDED (Henry can vouch for several Veterans passing through Wards Corner when service was first launched)

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