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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fare Restructure Idea

I know this is kind of late, but due to an incident on the Inbound 960 this morning at Silverleaf, this idea popped into my head:

HRT should adopt a Puget Pass like system where passes are sold in “denominations.” For example, I could purchase a pass worth $1.50 in transit fare (good on any service). In this example, I would be just fine on the local buses. For MAX service, simply show my E&D ID along with this $1.50 pass. In the case of HRT, passes available as follows (prices are how much bus fare they're worth):
  • $0.50 - Good for Shuttles; E&D Ferry
  • $0.75 - Good for E&D Local fare
  • $1.00 - VB Wave; Youth Fare; Ferry
  • $1.50 - E&D MAX, Regular Local
  • $3.00 - MAX
All passes could be upgraded with cash at the Farebox. Transfers could be issued encoded with how much fare is paid (for example, a Shuttle Transfer would prompt a Local Bus to ask for $1.00).

Further Reading:
  • Puget Pass FAQ (King County Metro)
  • Puget Pass Costs (King County Metro) - first column is how much bus fare it's worth and the rest of the columns are how much the pass costs
As of right now, MAX bus fareboxes do NOT recognize that I'm using a 30-Day Pass worth $1.50 and that I'm E&D.


Anonymous said...

What happens to users of ODU passes when they need to ride a MAX bus? Will the ODU pass still work? I'll find out in SEP when my #19 route becomes a MAX bus.


Anonymous said...

Hello Michael,

The ODU pass is valid on the MAX routes with an upgrade charge of $1.50.

