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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Disturbing Thoughts from Unnamed Drivers

These drivers reporting this shall remain unnamed for their protection
It has come to my attention as of late that HRT is not treating its drivers well. For example, one transferred between bases and got to keep the seniority from the original base, thus pushing down drivers who were at the destination base.
Just the other week, Norfolk Dispatch yelled at Virginia Beach Dispatch as well as some Beach drivers for using the old radio instead of the new radio. The reason the drivers used the old radio? The new one wasn't working.
The whole agency is like this, and something needs to be done.

1 comment:

Avenging Archangel said...

The seniority issue is almost certainly covered in the union contract. Therefore, complain to the union chief rather than HRT brass.

If we're to have an authenticly regional agency, the rules should. be that way. An Operator should be able to go Norfolk to Hampton (and vice versa) and keep seniority.