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Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Tide comes to Downtown Norfolk

Starting next year, The Tide starts construction in Downtown Norfolk.

In case the Pilot doesn't approve my comment:

"I look forward to laughing at all the Naysayers (you regular posters know who you are) who are sitting on City Hall Ave in 2010 trying to exit Downtown while we whiz by you on the train. Next up on the list of extensions: EVMS to NOB via ODU and Oceanfront via existing line (yes, these were publicly announced). ORF Airport? Once we get them out of the pockets of the taxi companies, then we're good to go. (it's the airport authority that illegally prohibits (denial of access to a public facility) HRT from serving the airport). Remember folks, The Tide is a Starter Line that is designed to be extended. Please do your research before posting."

I fully expect the Regular Naysayers (you know who you are) to spew fire on the article comment board

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