raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset

Welcome to my Archived posts. Since Google won't let me export this to WordPress, you have my old posts. If you're looking for my current HRT blog, it's now official, I've moved to my new home. Please update your bookmarks: Blog site (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/) and RSS Feed (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/?feed=rss2)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Goodbye Jessica Blaine

Jessica Blaine, someone who I hardly know, announced her goodbyes to everyone today. Apparently, she's moving with her brother to New England. Jessica, you will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Thanks. It was a wonderful area. Thanks for your tidbits about getting around Boston. No, we're not going to have a car when we get up there. I like the public transit options available.

Michael Ragsdale said...

No problem. I'm just someone who is a transit junkie and like to look at other systems to see how they do it.