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Welcome to my Archived posts. Since Google won't let me export this to WordPress, you have my old posts. If you're looking for my current HRT blog, it's now official, I've moved to my new home. Please update your bookmarks: Blog site (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/) and RSS Feed (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/?feed=rss2)

Monday, September 1, 2008

Scott Taylor's Bus Ride

Today, in an Ideas for HRT Exclusive, I had the honor of taking Scott Taylor, candidate for Mayor of Virginia Beach, on a ride around using HRT. His goal was to learn what the issues facing passengers were. Three things that kept on repeating:
  • Run buses at night
  • Run buses on Sundays
  • Run buses more often than once an hour
Pictures from today (click the pictures for larger versions):

Later on tonight, look for Scott to vlog this trip from Route 15 (between Military Circle and College Park).
For more information, visit www.scotttaylor2008.com.

Tomorrow, look for a report from Henry Ryto on Scott's trip during the thick of evening rush hour.


thesh00ter said...

he has to be one of the youngest Mayorial canidates i've ever seen

thesh00ter said...

mayoral sorry