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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cussed out on Route 32

The 3 PM 33 broke down so I started making my way to 19th & Pacific to catch a 20. I noticed a 32 preparing to make a left onto US-58/Laskin so I made a mad dash to catch it.

I inserted my 30-Day Pass into the farebox and when the box complained ("reject"), the driver asked to see it. "We don't take those passes."

"This is an HRT bus and an HRT pass. Is there a problem?" I asked politely

"We don't take those God-damn passes!"

Be lucky I didn't 10-5 Trolley Base on the spot. Next time this occurs, I WILL 10-5 Trolley Base IMMEDIATELY and I will REFUSE to deboard the bus.

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