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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Political School

So I just had a major political lesson yesterday at the City Council Retreat.
  • Apparently, Council Objective #1 is "Be friendly to bloggers" ;)
  • VB Cares about a bus system. Since Council wants light rail so badly, here's the scoop: Before the Feds will even TALK about light rail, year-round bus service has to be increased by 20%. (at last: it sucks having to be home by dinner time; maybe I want to work a closing shift). Slowly but surely, it'll come.
My offer to ALL HRT Staff and VB City Council Members: Let's go for a bus ride. I'd like to take you on a tour of Fareset 4 (what HRT refers to internally as Virginia Beach; it's a Farebox thing). Important parts to head to (in no order):
  • Route 12: The 4:45 PM bus leaving 20th & Seaboard (good luck between I-64 and Kemps River)
  • Route 29: almost any trip (U.S. 58 and First Colonial anyone?)
  • Routes 1/36: Heading outbound trying to get me home to TCC when I take the long way from Cedar Grove (this is when I'm lazy and don't want to transfer buses)
  • Route 20: Pembroke & Hilltop
  • Route 33: U.S. 60 between 17th St and 40th St (during Summer only)
  • Routes 30/31/32: Take note that with my existing 30-Day Pass, I am unable to ride (solution: this is how it's done out west)
  • Route 27: Usually late every trip on Saturday. Biggest problem? Making that left from U.S. 58 onto Newtown

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