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Saturday, May 31, 2008

What time should the last bus trips from TCC be? (new poll)

New Poll up (finally). What time do you think the last trips from TCC should be at night? Please understand that I do not include Route 26 (since there's no demand) or Route 12 (since Chesapeake won't play along).

In my Service Booster plan I'm working on, it's 10:45 PM. If there was one more trip added to the 20, I'd have an 11:45 PM last departure for the 33.

My Service Booster plan includes daily service on Routes 25, 29, 33, and 36.


Avenging Archangel said...

I'll go to 10:45 for now, but eventually Hampton Roads will get 24 hour mass transit.

How? Once the Navy base comes online for light rail, trains will need to start running by 4 A.M. The small gap between the last buses and first ones will be quickly closed.

Michael Ragsdale said...

That's interesting. Come to think of it, have a look at Sound Transit Route 574 and note what time the first bus leaves Lakewood bound for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (Sea-Tac Airport), for once we get service to the airport. It allows for the first batch of workers who need to be there by 4 AM.

Michael Ragsdale said...

24 hour mass transit: How long before Reid come on here screaming...