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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hampton's Strange Priorities

Above: Men's Bathroom stall with missing privacy door at Hampton Transit Center
Below: Hampton Cheesewagon, with a new paint job, being pressed into Route 110 service

I just got an email from Michael Townes, President & CEO of Hampton Roads Transit, replying to an email I sent about the oh-so-wonderful men's restroom at the Hampton Transit Center. City of Hampton, the ball is in your court. What are your transit funding priorities? My impression is that your funding priorities are Grey Area Cheesewagons.

This Gillig Phantom Cheesewagon is more important than a privacy door in the Men's room? As you can see, HRT is so willing to hang on to ancient museum artifacts that they can give them new paint jobs. Apparently, it's more important than a simple, cheap privacy door on a Men's Room stall.

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