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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

City of Norfolk Apology

This morning, on the 36 leaving TCC at 10:45 AM, I noticed a small City of Norfolk apology explaining that:
  • Norfolk is paying for, and coordinating, construction inside of Cedar Grove to apparently accommodate a full blown transit center
  • Norfolk would like to add more bus stops downtown
  • Norfolk would like to run the 310 more often during peak hours
I only got a chance to glance at it, so I may not have covered everything, and I may have things misquoted. I am unable to find this notice on either the City of Norfolk website OR the HRT website.

Russell or Henry, if you come across this notice, please let me know so I can add/subtract/correct this post. It had a City of Norfolk logo instead of an HRT logo.

1 comment:

Avenging Archangel said...

I could find nothing on either the HRT or City of Norfolk websites.

However, going permanent at Cedar Grove would be a huge mistake. That would put rail and buses on opposite sides of downtown. Can you say "No friggin' connectivity!"?