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Friday, April 25, 2008

The MAX: We WON!!!!

The TDCHR (the board that governs HRT) met yesterday and first up was the MAX Public Hearing. The only two speakers were Henry Rtyo of Avenging Archangel as well as myself.

The Commission approved The MAX on condition that staff adjust it as suggested by Public Comments.

Tweaks that should be implemented:
  • Route 960 (Downtown Norfolk-Oceanfront) needs to stop, in addition to what's listed in the presentation, at Town Center (using the existing stops on Route 36) and the Pembroke East transfer point. In addition, it should then exit I-264 at Birdneck and head LOCAL via 19th Street to serve the convention center and finish the route at 19th & Pacific
  • Route 961: Downtown THEN Cedar Grove
  • Route 967: How will local connections work (12 in the VB end, 15 at Greenbrier, 44 at Chesapeake Square, and NNTC buses in Newport News)
  • Senior/Disabled Fare: I'd pay $1.50 for MAX service or $45 for a 30 Day that works on everything, including Circluators, Local, Ferry, VB Wave, The Tide, and MAX

1 comment:

Avenging Archangel said...

Uh...most of the things you mentioned in your post weren't brought up in the Public Hearing. Therefore, they probably won't happen.