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Friday, April 11, 2008

It's Time to Turn the A/C On

I know A/C doesn't usually start until May, but considering how hot it is today, it's time NOW.

Trolley Base: Since they're ready, let's start using the Hybrids so the riding public on the year-round Trolley routes can check them out. We don't need bike racks on the 30, 31, or 32. Besides: the hybrid system won't be as effective on the stop-and-go of Atlantic Ave.

1 comment:

Avenging Archangel said...

The Orion I took home from work had all the windows open. At least you can do that on the rustbuckets.

As for the Virginia Beach hybrids, I'm told some HRT Staff at Trolley Base have already requested them for mainline given the condition the trolleys are in. However, they're being held for an official rollout ceremony.

Yes, the first hybrids would make infinitely more sense mainline than on the 30. At least we get them in October....