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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Route 23's Problems

Word from operators, as well as my observations in the morning at Military Circle, and from reading fellow blogger entries, that there's problems with Route 23. These days, Route 23 is routinely 10-30 by about 5-10 minutes or more due to the extra Cedar Grove leg.

Yes, something needs to be done and something needs to be done pronto. I started messing around with Google Maps and apparently it takes about 10 minutes to get from US-13 & Corporate Blvd to the Military Circle bus shelters. A driver posted to Avenging Archangel (I'm going to honor their request to keep their identity withheld, though yes I think I know who the driver is) suggesting elimination of the Best Square and Front Street legs. They also suggested Route 25 take over the Best Square leg.

I'm not sure the best solution, but I know something needs to be done.

Speaking of Cedar Grove: HRT, we'd (both passengers and operators & staff) would like to be able to take a 10-39 at Cedar Grove. Portos would be really handy. I'm not the only one suggesting this.

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