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Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Trolley Base, this bus has plenty of problems: no radio, broken back door, working interlock (which, when you're running late, slows you down), sometimes stalls.

To whoever isn't allowing Trolley Base to use Hybrids: The trolleys are so bad, it's time to put Hybrids on the mainline trolley routes (25, 26, 27, 29, and 33*) which, due to the nature of the Hybrid drive system, makes much more sense than on say Route 30.

* Trolley Base takes over Route 33 from 18th Street effective June 27th in exchange, 18th Street gets Route 85.


Avenging Archangel said...

Someone is listening: I argued for the equipment on Route 33 to be downsized a year ago.

Michael Ragsdale said...

The main reason for the exchange is more so to help with being on time. Whenever the 33 is coming from the garage (I always see this with the 9:45 trip), he's always late. According to him, they lollygage in giving him a bus. I think it's the same problem that a cutback 20 faces you mentioned recently since it was "attached" to the 22 Express.

I've seen a 1400 on the 33 once and that was because the regular bus was broke down. That operator had a 99 run (meaning he drove the table scraps) and it was a trip on the 19 and a trip on the 33. He usually got to TCC about an hour early and would sit at that 12 stop on Buckner by the Farm Fresh.

I support this change as long as there continues to be buses on the route because on Route 33, the bike rack is quite popular.