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Sunday, April 27, 2008

To the Norfolk Airport Authority

The question is: why do we have to walk all the way from Military Hwy & Norview Ave to get to the airport? There is no excuse for no bus service to the airport. At least PHF has the 111 every hour.

I can easily envision a Sea-Tac type of connections. See:


Anonymous said...

I'ts sound incredible. ORF dont have a HRT bus service? With the gas prices higher each day, we need a regular service to the terminal. Is there a monopoly working at the aiport?

Anonymous said...

Most likely; it is to protect the car rental companies and the cab drivers. It is a real waste; lots of people would happily take express buses to downtown Norfolk or the Va. Beach oceanfront. No bus service just makes things more expensive for them, and probably results in fewer tourists.

I suspect HRT will go to ORF soon though, if only for the benefit of airport employees; gas is just getting too expensive.

Michael Ragsdale said...

Yes, it's the cabbies exclusive contract in this case