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Monday, March 31, 2008

Cedar Grove: My Complete Report

Earlier this morning, I was able to ride buses through the new Cedar Grove transfer point. It's not half bad. In fact, my transfer from the 6 to the 20 went smoothly. It wasn't 100% smooth though. When I arrived at Military Circle, I spoke to an Inbound 20 driver and he said, "A couple of passengers yelled, 'where the fuck are you going' when I made my right onto Monticello." The 20 used to make a left towards Downtown. In addition to my report, please have a read of Avenging Archangel's report.

I took a few pictures while there. As pointed out by Avenging Archangel, all it needs is portajohns. Click any picture for a larger version.

If you're going to Downtown Norfolk, catch this: Route 310 "DOWNTOWN SHUTTLE". It's FREE and runs every 15 minutes 7 days a week. I would still prefer a "Brambleton Ave Detour" and have all buses come Downtown though. Yes Norfolk, bus riders do honestly go Downtown. TCC Students and Mall workers are two perfect examples.

All new shelters at Cedar Grove

Route 6 at 20th & Seaboard with the new destination. ALL buses will now read "CEDAR GROVE" instead of "DOWNTOWN NORFOLK"

Route 20 pulls into the new Cedar Grove transfer point

1 comment:

Busmeister said...

Always the optimist, I like the new arrangement (as if we had a choice). Especially since the #23 Princess Anne passengers can transfer directly to any downtown bus at Cedar Grove.