raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset

Welcome to my Archived posts. Since Google won't let me export this to WordPress, you have my old posts. If you're looking for my current HRT blog, it's now official, I've moved to my new home. Please update your bookmarks: Blog site (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/) and RSS Feed (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/?feed=rss2)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

HRT Meetings

Board & UCAC meetings are coming up next week. Look for me to attend both. My agenda:

Board Meeting
  • SUPPORT the Day Pass
  • OPPOSE elimination of 10-Ride
  • SUPPORT express/local/circulator fare structure*
  • OPPOSE elimination of Transfers
  • SUPPORT one combined pass for all service
Yes, I've changed my mind about transfers again. I'm moving towards a Puget Sound regional transit style of passes/fares.

* As long as fares are upgradeable. For example, if I board a local bus for $1.50 and ask for a transfer and want a $2.00 express bus, I should be able to show my transfer, pay $0.50, and get a transfer punched to show I paid the upgraded fare.

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