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Sunday, March 9, 2008

HRT Fare Changes: My Opinion

HRT is going to hold a public hearing at the end of the month to for a minor (well, compared to what I would want to have seen) change. Here's what I'd like to happen:
(keep in mind that the fares below are just examples)

* Local Circulars (The NET, The LOOP, and VB Wave for example): $1.00
* Regular Bus Fare: $1.50 (including The Tide and the Ferry)
* MAX Express Bus: $3.00

Here's an example:
Suppose I board the 36 at TCC wanting to goto Downtown Norfolk. Since I know I'm going to be transferring to the MAX at Pembroke or Silverleaf (exact stop TBD), insert $1.50 into the farebox and get a transfer. When I arriver at Pembroke (I'll use Pembroke in this example), transfer to the Downtown MAX. When I insert my transfer into the farebox, I'll owe $1.50. I can insert that $1.50 and ask for a transfer which will be encoded to show I paid the $3 fare.


* Sound Transit Transfer Policy
* Sound Transit Monthly Pass
* TriMet Transfer Policy
* TriMet TV: If the Fare Machine is Broke (Light Rail ticket vending machine)

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