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Sunday, March 2, 2008

HRT Sued over Sexual Assault

First, read the Virginian-Pilot article: http://hamptonroads.com/2008/03/hrt-driver-sued-over-sexual-assault-teen

Now, for my comment:

Don't get me wrong, this was a tragic event, but it was fully preventable and is not HRT's fault. As I write in the Pilot comment section:

It's HRT's fault that someone boarded the last #20 heading to the Beach? It's HRT's fault that "Jane Doe" never said anything? Let's see: she's never been on a bus before. Simple: tell the driver where you're going. She looked young and disheveled? So do plenty of other people who board the bus. All she had to do was say something to the driver and they would've pulled the bus over to the side and got on the radio and a supervisor would've been there pronto (or, in the event of an extreme emergency - this time I think would qualify - the police or paramedics would respond). HRT does have a Youth Crisis procedure; it is up to the passenger to say something. On most buses, this is posted right behind the driver in case they need to review what they need to do. Seeing that she got on at Little Neck heading towards the Beach – the last #20 leaves Pembroke Mall either direction at 12:15 AM and the last one leaves the Blvd & Little Neck Rd at 12 AM towards Norfolk and 12:30 AM towards the Beach – simply alert the driver and none of this would’ve happened.

Don't forget to read the entry on Avenging Archangel's blog.

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