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Monday, March 31, 2008

Cedar Grove: Tweaks Needed

As pointed out by Avenging Archangel, the following should be done ASAP:
  • Portajohns, Please (for both drivers AND passengers)
  • Expand the space so a bus can pass another
In addition: Memo to Trolley Base. Buses don't go Downtown anymore (except for Routes 6, 8, 17, 45, 61, and 310). To transfer, passengers need to head to Cedar Grove. All buses that used to be on Charlotte (except for Route 61 which continues onto the Downtown Loop, but stops at Monticello & The Blvd) PLUS Route 23 Princess Anne Rd now use Cedar Grove.

In the long run (this assumes, as stated on the HRT website, Cedar Grove will "forever" replace Charlotte St):
  • Lets build sidewalks so that it's easier for the elderly to board lowfloor buses (this would be in the "very long term")
  • Figure out how to patch up the schedules so that buses aren't sitting at Cedar Grove for 10-20 minutes
  • New schedules for all Cedar Grove routes
  • This new system map (that I have yet to see, but reliable sources say it's coming) must be updated for all changes (not just Cedar Grove)
  • Let's get the bus stop sign for Routes 6, 8, and 45 installed on St. Paul's Blvd.
  • Route 17 (The NET) should be extended to the bus transfer area IN ADDITION to having the 310. This should be 7 days a week, all day. The weekday Route 17 directly connects you to TCC Downtown at NET stops 6 (Freemason) and 7 (College). Since HRT seems to be using 300 series routes to refer to circulators (300: Portsmouth Loop and 310: Downtown Shuttle), it would make sense to (with the 4000 Hybrids coming) to rebrand as Route 317 (still call it The NET though, just a new route number)


Avenging Archangel said...

That's just it: I don't buy into the idea that HRT will be at Cedar Grove forever. As I've noted on my blog, Norfolk politicians have given lip service to the idea of a multimodal facility (i.e. LRT, Higher Speed Rail, buses, etc.) at Harbor Park.

Therefore, I believe HRT will be at Cedar Grove 3-6 years.

Michael Ragsdale said...

I don't buy it either (that, why I put "forever" in quotes). Except for the sidewalks, I think these tweaks should happen soon.