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Sunday, March 2, 2008

HRT Sued over Sexual Assault, Part 2

Now that I re-read the story, here's a problem: How the heck would she be asked to leave the bus at 1:45 AM? Was their a breakdown and the bus run late? See the Route 20 schedule. It's supposed to be at the Oceanfront at 12:57 AM. There's no merit for this suit against HRT. There's plenty of evidence to convict whoever raped the minor (give them Life (this way they have the rest of their life to think about what they did) and throw away the key). Everyone knows you have to get off the bus at the end of the line.

Avenging Archangel put it perfectly: "Yes, what happened was very unfortunate. However, IMO, the only potential case here would be based on what - if anything - was said directly between the driver and the girl at 19th Street. Did she ask for help and he refused? If not, you can't blame HRT or the driver."

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