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Welcome to my Archived posts. Since Google won't let me export this to WordPress, you have my old posts. If you're looking for my current HRT blog, it's now official, I've moved to my new home. Please update your bookmarks: Blog site (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/) and RSS Feed (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/?feed=rss2)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

HRT Fare Study

I finally got my hands on the Fare Study. This mostly makes sense. I'm revising what I'd do as follows:
  • Local Circulars (The NET, The Loop, VB Wave (Route 30 ONLY)): $0.50
  • Local Bus (including VB WAVE Routes 31 and 32 since they're long): $1.50
  • The Tide, Elizabeth River Ferry: $2.00
  • Express buses, The MAX: $3.00
Passes for a higher price service are valid on a lower value service. For example, purchasing a Day Pass for use on The MAX would be valid on ALL HRT services. No transfers provided, instead purchase a Day Pass on board the bus. Price depends on what mode of transit (local circular, local bus, Tide/Ferry, or Express/MAX). If, for example, you purchase a Day Pass on the local bus, you may pay extra if you know you're getting on board a higher price service (for example, if you know you're transferring to The MAX). Simply inform the driver that you wanted a MAX Day Pass, for example.

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