raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset raggiesoft's Hampton Roads Transit photoset

Welcome to my Archived posts. Since Google won't let me export this to WordPress, you have my old posts. If you're looking for my current HRT blog, it's now official, I've moved to my new home. Please update your bookmarks: Blog site (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/) and RSS Feed (http://blog.raggiesoft.com/?feed=rss2)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Route 49 Discontinued

Please be advised that, effective April 7th, Route 49 (the Portsmouth Ferry Shuttle, formerly the Park & Sail) will be discontinued. In its place will be The Loop which will run as follows:
  • 7 AM to 10 AM: Every 30 minutes, timed to the arrival of the Ferry at the High St landing
  • 10 AM to 8 PM: Every 15 minutes
  • 8 PM to Midnight: Every 30 minutes, timed to the arrival of the Ferry at the High St landing
Service will be Weekdays & Saturdays. From April 7th to April 20th, service will be free. HRT is still determining what the fare structure will be afterwords (I chime in on several blog entries discussing this matter).

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