- Portajohns, Please (for both drivers AND passengers)
- Expand the space so a bus can pass another
In the long run (this assumes, as stated on the HRT website, Cedar Grove will "forever" replace Charlotte St):
- Lets build sidewalks so that it's easier for the elderly to board lowfloor buses (this would be in the "very long term")
- Figure out how to patch up the schedules so that buses aren't sitting at Cedar Grove for 10-20 minutes
- New schedules for all Cedar Grove routes
- This new system map (that I have yet to see, but reliable sources say it's coming) must be updated for all changes (not just Cedar Grove)
- Let's get the bus stop sign for Routes 6, 8, and 45 installed on St. Paul's Blvd.
- Route 17 (The NET) should be extended to the bus transfer area IN ADDITION to having the 310. This should be 7 days a week, all day. The weekday Route 17 directly connects you to TCC Downtown at NET stops 6 (Freemason) and 7 (College). Since HRT seems to be using 300 series routes to refer to circulators (300: Portsmouth Loop and 310: Downtown Shuttle), it would make sense to (with the 4000 Hybrids coming) to rebrand as Route 317 (still call it The NET though, just a new route number)