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Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Falling Sign

As always, clicking the image gives you a larger size

I have advised HRT as follows:

The bus stop sign located at University Dr & Faculty Blvd (served by Route 25 (INBOUND) and Route 33 (OUTBOUND)) is about ready to fall. If a bus gets too close to the sign, they will hit it with their right side mirror.

The sign simply needs to be reset into the ground, possibly a little deeper to keep it from falling again.

Funny, this sign was installed only recently.

1 comment:

Avenging Archangel said...

The sign for the 20 Outbound in front of the Wawa across from RPVB HQ has long been leaning over in it's hole.

Then it's not so simple. When the City of Virginia Beach goes to redo such a sign, that have to check for buried utility lines there first.